About Us

Way Of Health & Life

How often we have heard and have been discussing about the simple life style our older generation enjoyed without the so called today’s luxury what perhaps is now consider as necessities of life. There were neither any stress management nor time management programs, more so, today’s buzz words work-life balance, detoxifying mind and soul, rejuvenation, weight reduction never seemed to exist back then. The very reason : the people in the past believed in mother earth. For them, the remedies were all in the nature, in the food. They always walked and cycled because they had no choice, as compared to today’s pompous cars or bikes. To support the very fact, walking and cycling are the two important activities we strictly add to our daily exercise routine today. Needless to say, that the entire world is now looking on the Ayurveda as an important part of life, Ayurvedic centers have been operating in every corners of the world. With Ayurveda entering the mainstream, with the growing awareness and the needs, the challenge today is to integrate the best of the different healing traditions and met the healthcare demands of contemporary world.

To support this demanding need of Ayurveda sector, Soukhyam emerged, to contribute to the mankind, society and nation. With an endeavor to help mankind lead a healthy and happy life, Soukhyam was founded in the year 2014.

Dr. Vishwas V. Kulkarni

M.S (Ayu), has experience of 16 years in the field of authentic practice of Ayurveda and is a PG faculty and guide. Served as Member, Board of Studies (PG), in Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru.
Guest Speaker – Pricharak, hosted in Manipal International University, Nilai, Malaysia (A Govt of Malaysia Sponsored) and in Association for Integrative Medicine of Slovenia (Združenje za Integrativno Medicino Slovenije – ZIMS).